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Soft Pastel Drawing Ideas For Beginners: Step By Step

Easy Sunset Drawing for Beginners with Soft Pastels
Easy Sunset Drawing for Beginners with Soft Pastels from in.pinterest.com


Soft pastels are a versatile medium that can be used to create beautiful works of art. They are easy to use and perfect for beginners who are just starting out with drawing. In this article, we will provide you with some soft pastel drawing ideas that will help you unleash your creativity and create stunning artwork.

Getting Started

Before you start drawing with soft pastels, it is important to have the right materials. You will need soft pastels, paper, a fixative, and a few other supplies. Once you have everything you need, you can start creating your masterpiece.

Step 1: Choose Your Subject

The first step in creating a soft pastel drawing is to choose your subject. You can draw anything you like, but it is best to start with something simple. A flower or a landscape are great options for beginners.

Step 2: Sketch Your Drawing

Once you have chosen your subject, it is time to sketch your drawing. Use a light touch and a soft pencil to sketch the basic outlines of your subject. This will help you get the proportions right and ensure that your drawing looks realistic.

Step 3: Add Color

Now it is time to add color to your drawing. Use your soft pastels to add color to your sketch. Start with the lightest colors first and work your way up to the darker colors. Blend the colors together to create a smooth transition between each color.

Step 4: Add Details

Once you have added the basic colors to your drawing, it is time to add the details. Use a darker pastel to add shading and highlights to your drawing. This will make your drawing look more realistic and add depth and dimension to your artwork.

Soft Pastel Drawing Ideas

Now that you know the basics of soft pastel drawing, here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Flowers

Flowers are a great subject for soft pastel drawing. They are simple to draw and their bright colors make them perfect for soft pastels. Try drawing a bouquet of flowers or a single flower in a vase.

2. Landscapes

Landscapes are another great subject for soft pastel drawing. Try drawing a sunset or a mountain scene. Use different shades of blue and purple to create a beautiful sky.

3. Animals

Animals can be a bit more challenging to draw, but they are still a great subject for soft pastel drawing. Try drawing a cat or a dog. Use different shades of brown and black to create the fur.

4. Portraits

Portraits are a bit more advanced, but they can still be done by beginners. Try drawing a portrait of a family member or a friend. Use different shades of skin tone to create a realistic portrait.

Tips for Soft Pastel Drawing

Here are some tips to help you improve your soft pastel drawing skills:

1. Use a Light Touch

Soft pastels are fragile and can break easily. Use a light touch when applying them to your paper to avoid breaking them.

2. Blend Your Colors

Blending your colors is important to create a smooth transition between each color. Use your finger or a blending tool to blend your colors together.

3. Use a Fixative

Using a fixative will help seal your artwork and prevent it from smudging or fading over time. Spray a fixative over your artwork once you are finished.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice

The more you practice, the better you will become at soft pastel drawing. Try drawing something new every day to improve your skills.


Soft pastel drawing is a fun and rewarding hobby that can be enjoyed by beginners and professionals alike. With these soft pastel drawing ideas and tips, you can unleash your creativity and create beautiful works of art.

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